by The GUT Ninja 

October 23, 2018

How I healed my Perianal Abscess Fistula (Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis)

The first time I noticed and issue I was 17 yrs old and noticed I had a painful bump by my anus. I worked out so I thought it was hemorrhoid from overdoing it. How I drained my fistula..? After a few weeks of not going away I decided to get a mirror and attempt to pop it. I don’t recommend this and had no idea what I was doing at the time. I used a pin to make a hole then squeezed it as hard as I could. It busted open and spewed a cup or more of mucus, a little gross. I officially had 2 but holes. It healed a little bit but still leaked for a few months until finally closing.

Looking back I remember experiencing many of the symptoms mentioned below. After it closed my symptoms did not return for another 4-5 years. When I was officially diagnosed the doctor confirmed that it was indeed a healed up fistula.  A few days after this appointment I had my first severe flare up and shortly after this the fistula reopened.

What is a Perianal Abscess and Fistula (How and Why do they form)

The perianal abscess is a collection of pus located under the skin near the anus. In contrast, an anal fistula is a small tunnel that develops from your anus to your bowel.  Simply put fistulas are like drainage holes that are connected to a channel that is used to remove pus from your body. As gross as it might seem it’s pretty astonishing in the body’s ability to adapt. It will do what it needs in order to survive, like creating a hole through its own tissue to remove toxins.

What are the Symptoms

They will be very similar to many of the symptoms that people with IBD’s experience such as:

  • May experience a swollen tender anus (buttocks)
  • Drainage outlet by the anus that leaks puss
  • Fever and night sweats
  • Tiredness and fatigue
  • Pain during bowel movements

What CAUSES Abscesses & Fistulas with Crohn’s and Ulcerative Colitis

They are usually formed as the result of a chronic infection. The body is doing the same thing it does when you have a sliver. It sends mucus to the spot of the toxin and tries to force it out so that it can heal.

Do you need SURGERY for Perianal Abscess or Fistulas or can a perianal abscess HEAL on its own

This is up to you as it’s your body and you need to do what feels right. It the abscess is still closed and inflamed it might be a good idea to have the fistula drained by a professional*. A surgery to close the opening will not fix the underlying condition which is the infection. I have spoken with a few people who successfully had their fistulas operated using kshar sutra*.

Natural treatments of Perianal Fistula for Crohns and Colitis?

When I took care of the infection using natural antifungals the puss eventually stopped leaking and the cavity healed.  I used grapefruit seed oil, and oil of oregano both orally and topically. Orally I would just add 5-8 drops to some water and drink it quickly, doing it 3-5 times per day. When using topically I mixed a few drop with some additional olive oil to minimize the burning feeling. I also made sure I was consuming a quality probiotic capsule every night before bed.

How long will it take to heal a fistula?

Healing a fistula or perianal fistula will take some time so be patient. Remember that exists to help your body rid itself of toxins. Get your body into balance and beat the infection and it will have no purpose to exist. With no purpose it will close up and heal.

Living with a Fistula with Crohn’s and Colitis

I wrote this post to share my fistula experience and what I went through.  For me it was very embarrassing especially when it came to my love life. My fistula was probably the most scary symptom of my autoimmune disease. I wanted to shed some light so you are not too scared.

I understand that it can be hard for anyone to live with a fistula or abscess for many years. But I don’t believe you are stuck with them forever.  My fistula symptoms were always closely aligned to the active state of my disease. If I was in a flare it was open and leaking like a faucet. For most cases you will find as you heal they will go away. Like any autoimmune disease as you heal your gut the majority of symptoms disappear. For me that was:

  • Fistula (anal abscess)
  • Blood in my stool
  • Eye floaters
  • Joint Pain
  • Sore back
  • Low Sex drive
  • Mental fogginess

The further you get into your healing journey you become this new healthy person. My health is better now than before I was diagnosed. It’s a blessing to feel awesome, have energy, and not be stuck with never ending pain.

I know how hard it is to live with an anal abscess fistula so if you have questions or want to reach out do so anytime. I create content like this because I care and want to pay it forward wherever I can.

If your looking for help to overcome your gut issues feel free to check out my free guide.



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Medical Disclaimer

This content is for informational and educational purposes only. It's not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of such advice or treatment from a personal physician. All viewers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Neither Jay Anthony (The Gut Ninja) nor the publisher of this content takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

About the author 

The GUT Ninja

Jay aka "The Gut Ninja" Health Hacker trying to pay it forward. I'm a dude whose life was flipped upside down diagnosed with severe Crohns-Colitis, and R. Arthritis. I lost almost 60lbs in less than a year. I felt bad for myself for a few months then I made a decision that I was going to beat this death sentence. I went on a mission to study "remission" what things other people did to improve their Gut troubles and live normal lives. I turned myself into a walking Frankenstein and through lots of trial and error I was able to achieve remission. I've been med free flare up free for 10+ years. My mission is to help other people overcome autoimmune disease.