Want to BEAT your
Autoimmune Disease?
Conventional Medicine not working? Are you tired of feeling crappy? Confused by fad diets, supplements, miracle cures, health gurus, and the many conflicting opinions? If you're looking for practical solutions that have worked for people like you? Then you know what to do!
You'll receive Actionable Info NOT junk mail! A Free guide to kickstart your journey to Heal & Reverse your autoimmune condition. No BS!
Who is the Gut Ninja?
Hi, my name is Jay I'm a normal dude who overcame 3 severe Autoimmune Diseases. I embraced the suck, failed forward, I studied remission, tried nearly every diet, supplement, and miracle cure out there! I reverse engineered a practical approach to beating autoimmune disease and have been in remission, med free, flare up free for 10+ years. I started paying it forward by creating free content on my first site way back in 2007. Since then, I've been helping people adopt Diet & Lifestyle Strategies that heal and naturally reverse autoimmune conditions. I'm a BIG Geek who loves to combine science, research, and anecdotal experience to create strategies that work. I'm grateful for my Autoimmune Diagnosis because it led me to my passion: creating useful content that helps people reclaim their lives. You can see my full Autoimmune Adventure story Here. Otherwise, this site will be focused on YOU! It's about paying it forward and helping people who've had enough of suffering. No BS! you can improve your condition, and live a Kick Ass life!
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Reversing Autoimmune Disease Blog
Tips, Tools, and Diets used to Heal & Reverse Autoimmune Disease
In 2009 I was suddenly diagnosed with an autoimmune disease know as Ulcerative Colitis. I went through multiple medications and nothing was helping. I was an emotional wreck, I felt ugly and unwanted. I was tired of suffering and decided in 2011 I was going to have my colon removed. A few weeks before the operation I was lucky enough to find Jay's website. I heard his story and decided I had nothing to lose to try a new diet for a few weeks. Within 2 weeks my symptoms improved dramatically. I decided to cancel the surgery and I've never looked back. I've been living a med free life for 8 years. I'm blessed to be happily married with 2 amazing children. I'm eternally grateful for Jay's info as without it my life would be very different.
At 22 I was diagnosed with UC & Hashimotos. I watched my muscular body disappear and I was left looking like a chemo patient. My self esteem low and I was depressed and thinking about suicide. One of my friends forwarded a video with Jay lifting weights: he was strong and built even though he had multiple autoimmune conditions. Finally! I had some hope and thought if he could do it then maybe I could too. I got in touch with him and he pointed me in the right direction. After a year I got into clinical remission according to my GI. Not only was I in remission I also put on a lot of muscle and felt better than ever. Jay is a genuine dude who has so much practical wisdom with healing autoimmune conditions. Here's to 6 years of feeling awesome! Thanks mate!
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It's time for you to start Healing your Autoimmune Disease. Download our free guide to learn the Not So Hidden secrets to Reversing your Autoimmune condition.
Medical Disclaimer
This content is for informational and educational purposes only. It's not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of such advice or treatment from a personal physician. All viewers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Neither Jay Anthony (The Gut Ninja) nor the publisher of this content takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.