by The GUT Ninja 

September 15, 2018

Carnivore Diet For Autoimmune Disease

Carnivore Diet for Autoimmune Disease

It seems like there is a lot of buzz about The Carnivore Diet for autoimmune disease whether you are looking to heal disease, reduce inflammation, or reduce body fat composition. Are you wondering Why A Carnivore diet might cure your Autoimmune Disease? Before we can answer this question we must cover a few of the basics.

If you want to listen to a great interview that explains the carnivore diet on a basic level this video does such an awesome job. It features Dr Shawn Baker one of leading advocates of a animal based diet.

What is The Carnivore Diet?

It’s a diet where all the foods that you would eat would come from animal sources (meat, fish, eggs, bone marrow, and some dairy products). This means that you would eat virtually no carbohydrates. Keto vs Carnivore Diet?  Well by it’s low carb nature the Carnivore diet would be considered a form of a ketogenic diet. You would be in state of ketosis on a regular basis. I know to many people living on a diet that consists only of animal derived products might seem crazy on the surface. But there is historical evidence of many tribes, who thrived by mostly eating animal products. I can also personally attest to eating only meat for weeks at a time and still achieving verifiable ketosis.

The Inuit people of Northern Canada lived mostly on animal products consuming: seal, walrus, crab, cold water fish, ducks, geese, caribou, and reindeer. It’s important to note that over 50% of their calories came from fats.  Their diet was mostly animal products, high fat, and almost no fruits and veggies.  The Inuit’s traditional diet allowed them to have little to no disease that is experienced by modern man such as heart disease, diabetes, and inflammatory conditions.

Why The Carnivore Diet Works for many Autoimmune Diseases?

I believe that The Carnivore Diet works primarily because of what it removes compared to the Standard American Diet. It removes: sugar, processed carbohydrates, gluten, and hydrogenated vegetable oils.  In addition to removing these disease causing culprits, it adds much needed healthy fats the body craves to function optimally. Have you ever wondered why people heal themselves using a multitude of diets such as: Keto, Paleo, GAPS, SCD, VEGAN. The body is always trying to achieve homeostasis and heal itself. Disease is caused by 2 things deficiency and toxicity. If any diet or approach corrects or reduces these factors your health will improve.

To understand why these diets are successful we must focus on their similarities or what I would call common denominators:

  • Remove processed sugars, carbs, and gluten
  • More homemade meals
  • JERF fundamentals (Just Eat Real Food)
  • Reduces Insulin Spikes
  • Being “Mindful” of what you put in your body on a regular basis

If you have questions about fibre, constipation, vitamins,  or current research then check out my other post Why The Carnivore Diet works for Autoimmune Disease or the video below that gives a great rundown about The Carnivore diet.

The Carnivore Diet for Autoimmune Diseases like Crohn’s Disease & Ulcerative Colitis

I’ve used many diet approaches for maintaining Autoimmune Disease remission and this diet can help you heal from your Inflammatory Bowel Disease. As I mentioned earlier I believe that this approach works because of what it removes from the Standard American Diet. Early on in my healing journey I remember that meats are one of the things that I tolerated the best. When I ate hearty helpings of meat my bowel movements were well formed.  I was ultra sensitive in the beginning where I only eat chicken, beef, and green beans.

Many people have seen awesome results using the Carnivore Diet. I think that you must try different foods and be mindful of what makes you feel the best. Remember that healing happens when we remain constant in our results day after day.

If your looking to improve your Autoimmune Disease and change your life, check out my free healing guide.

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Medical Disclaimer

This content is for informational and educational purposes only. It's not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of such advice or treatment from a personal physician. All viewers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Neither Jay Anthony (The Gut Ninja) nor the publisher of this content takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

About the author 

The GUT Ninja

Jay aka "The Gut Ninja" Health Hacker trying to pay it forward. I'm a dude whose life was flipped upside down diagnosed with severe Crohns-Colitis, and R. Arthritis. I lost almost 60lbs in less than a year. I felt bad for myself for a few months then I made a decision that I was going to beat this death sentence. I went on a mission to study "remission" what things other people did to improve their Gut troubles and live normal lives. I turned myself into a walking Frankenstein and through lots of trial and error I was able to achieve remission. I've been med free flare up free for 10+ years. My mission is to help other people overcome autoimmune disease.