by The GUT Ninja 

November 6, 2018

Crohn’s Disease Eyes : Can Crohn’s Disease affect your eyes?

Have you been experiencing issues with your eyes? Do you also suffer from an Inflammatory Bowel Disease? This is not a coincidence as eye inflammation is very common with gut diseases. I experienced a lot of eye issues when I was first diagnosed with Crohns Colitis. My eyes were sore, dry, and always bloodshot. As my disease progressed new symptoms appeared which included cataracts, and floaters.

Some of the eye problems and complications related to Crohns and  Ulcerative Colitis  are as follows:

  • Dry Eyes
  • Floaters
  • Uveitis -inflammation to uvea (middle layer of eye) may notice pain
  • Blurred vision
  • Cataracts
  • Eye Styes

Crohns disease is an inflammatory condition which can cause inflammation of the eye. I noticed that when my Crohns Disease symptoms were bad then so were my eyes. This was very evident when I ate too much sugar, starchy carbs, or processed foods. I also experienced very red eyes when I was doing cleansing protocols, and carb reduction periods. When candida dies off and toxins are released it’s common to experience red eyes.

Crohn’s Eye Floaters

The floaters are like having a piece of dirt on your camera lense which appears in all the pictures. Everytime I moved my eyes the little spots were in my field of vision. I found the floaters to be a very scary crohn’s symptom. Floaters are a very common eye issue when you suffer from Ulcerative Colitis or Crohns.

The Good News

You can heal and reverse your IBD eye problems. You do this by healing yourself through adopting a healing approach. As your body heals the symptoms will disappear or rather slowly reverse. I noticed as I healed my eyes became less sore, less red, and my vision improved. The floaters slowly faded and eventually disappeared.

I know these eye symptoms can be very scary when you are not used to them. It’s important to realize that as you heal they will go away. Keep your attention on healing yourself and achieving remission. As you get in “the healing zone” many of the more serious IBD symptoms will start reversing. This is why it’s important to stay the path and remain consistent in the zone. The more time in the zone the more long term healing you will experience.

If your looking for help to overcome your gut issues feel free to check out my free guide.


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Medical Disclaimer

This content is for informational and educational purposes only. It's not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of such advice or treatment from a personal physician. All viewers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Neither Jay Anthony (The Gut Ninja) nor the publisher of this content takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

About the author 

The GUT Ninja

Jay aka "The Gut Ninja" Health Hacker trying to pay it forward. I'm a dude whose life was flipped upside down diagnosed with severe Crohns-Colitis, and R. Arthritis. I lost almost 60lbs in less than a year. I felt bad for myself for a few months then I made a decision that I was going to beat this death sentence. I went on a mission to study "remission" what things other people did to improve their Gut troubles and live normal lives. I turned myself into a walking Frankenstein and through lots of trial and error I was able to achieve remission. I've been med free flare up free for 10+ years. My mission is to help other people overcome autoimmune disease.