​​​​My Epic Autoimmune Disease Story

Have you been touched by the crappy reality of Autoimmune Disease? ... I know it sucks!  Luckily for us this is an epic story about rising above your Autoimmune condition. I'd never take back my diagnosis as its added so much value to my life. Without it, I wouldn't be connecting with you right now! 

A few details about my life that "might" have contributed towards my Autoimmune Diagnosis. 

My Health Timeline


  • Born Regular birth (mother was smoker)
  • Formula Fed (Soy)
  • Vaccinated (early 1980's)
  • Allergic to Formula (lactose)
  • Had multiple Ear Infections
  • Single parent family: poor and ate lots of SAD Diet foods (processed garbage)
  • Held back in kindergarten as I displayed poor attention span and was behind in literacy
  • Diagnosed with Asthma in grade 1
  • By Grade 3 I was at grade 1 level in Literacy & Math (not the sharpest tool) 
  • By Junior High had dyslexic tendencies: say the wrong words, see things backwards etc


  • Between Grades 6-8 had 8 cavities filled (Amalgam fillings... mercury)
  • Had bad back pain and was diagnosed with Spondylolisthesis (slipping of the vertebrae)
  • Grade 10 experienced Family Dynamic (stress & trauma) 
  • Shortly after these issues first autoimmune symptoms popped up: white as a ghost, unformed bowel movements, blood in my poop, anal fistula, joint pain, eczema, and night sweats, 
  • Gradual deterioration of symptoms that ended in being diagnosed with 3 autoimmune conditions CD UC and RA
  • My grandmother and her sister both had IBD's & Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) possible genetic susceptibility....


Each person might get their disease at different times with different sets of symptoms but there tends to be quite a few commonalities. I'm sure you noticed a few similarities in your journey. 

Life Before Autoimmune Disease

I was a normal dude who hung out with his friends, partied, and enjoyed life to the max! I was athletic, well built, and usually did okay with the ladies. Life was great and I felt indestructible. I was confident and probably a little arrogant if I'm being honest.  I ate tons of Mc Garbage and drank way too much.. I acted like most twenty something year olds.

The Slow Decline

After a few years of craziness I began having some health issues unformed poops, blood in my stool, night sweats, eczema, and bad joint pains. I've had some of these issues before but they would come and go so I didn't take them seriously. This time the symptoms weren't going away. It was time to see a doctor and see what's up. 

I went for blood tests and the infamous finger in the bum (no fun!) The results came back and the doctor said there didn't seem to be any issues. I had my doubts so I requested a colonoscopy. Deep down I knew that I had an IBD as my grandma had Ulcerative Colitis and the symptoms were very similar. 

I got my colonoscopy done. The doctor wouldn't tell me anything definitive, except he could see inflammation and ulcers. I was stuck waiting 2-3 weeks until the results came back. 

Changing My Diet Because I was Scared Shitless!

A few days after the colonoscopy I tried to clean up my diet. I took out most of the processed foods and cut out all the fast food. Within a few days I noticed a big improvement which gave me hope.  

Day I Was Diagnosed

Probably the shittiest day of my life! My day started off with my car not starting. I borrowed my brothers car to get to my doctor's appointment. I was stressed out worrying about my future and how shitty life would be with an Autoimmune Disease. My nerves were so bad I got into a car accident on the way there... instant write off!  I was able to drive to the hospital. Found a parking spot 6 blocks away so I had to run like Usain to make it on time. 

Got to my appointment and was called in quickly... The GI Doc came in and told me that I had severe Crohn's Colitis. He proceeded to tell me how bad my life would become, the complications, surgeries, and increased chance of developing colon cancer. F^%K ME!!! Thanks for laying it on lightly. I asked about my options and he said drugs (6mp) and surgery to remove diseased tissue. I was overwhelmed and not ready to commit to any kind of treatment plan. 

Contemplating Suicide

Never in my life did I think it was possible to feel this way. My heart was racing, gasping for air, and all I could think about was how bad my life was going to be... I was scared! What's the point of living a life where the only thing you have to look forward to is suffering? I eventually snapped out of this crazy thinking. I got down and started doing push ups until I collapsed. It was the only thing I could think of to release my stress. I called a buddy and explained my symptoms he said I was likely having an anxiety attack. He rushed over to bring me a small blue pill, it seemed to work as I felt better within a few minutes. Now looking back I think I literally had a break down thinking about the worst case scenario. 

My First Massive Flare Up was Brutal

I was eating better, feeling better so I thought I could enjoy a cheat because it was my birthday. I went out with my family for pizza and birthday cake. A few hours after I got home my stomach began to swell. It felt like it was going to explode, like my guts were being eaten from the inside out. My intestines were completely flared and I couldn't poop to release the pressure. After 18-20 hrs of excruciating pain I started pooping blood non stop. I slept by the toilet because I couldn't make it back to my bed. Laying by the toilet I broke down into tears apologizing for everything I did to deserve such a crappy fate. 

From this point my health spiraled downward. All my symptoms flared up: blood in stool, nasty anal fistula that spewed puss, every night I woke up soaked from my night sweats, eczema broke out everywhere, and every joint in my body was in pain. 

Feeling Hopeless

I quickly lost close to 60 lbs and looked like a human skeleton. I was insecure and couldn't even look at myself in the mirror because I felt ugly and defeated. For the first time in my life I felt bad for myself. I avoided personal contact because of people's reactions when they seen how skinny and sickly I looked. 

I had nobody to help me and I felt completely alone. I wasn't close with my parents, I had a mortgage to pay, and I just started a new business... when it rains it pours! One of my lowest moments came the day I shit myself at the grocery store.. no joke! I literally shit myself in the middle of a grocery store. 

Pushing Forward

Eventually I got over my pity party. I decided I'd try to manage my disease on my terms. I didn't have a plan of attack except to avoid drugs and surgery. I started making changes to my diet and implementing a half ass version of the Specific Carbohydrate Diet. I still suffered from pain and symptoms but they were pretty manageable. 

I launched a lawn care business and was fortunate enough to be getting customers so I was making some money. I still had symptoms: 20+ bowel movements per day but I managed by pooping in a pail in the back of my work truck. I know gross but I had no other choice. I learned if I only ate one meal after my work day, I had no poops at work. It took me a while to figure out which foods I could tolerate without making my symptoms flare up. Things weren't perfect but they were improving. 

Day Everything Changed!

My brother and I purchased tickets to see Anthony Robbins at an event in our city. We listened to his tapes when we were kids and wanted to see him live. Tickets were expensive but we took a chance and bought them.

At the event a huge dude came out into the audience and got everyone amped up... it was surreal! It's Tony Robbins check out the videos on YouTube. The golden nugget came when he started talking about a concept called "modeling" which is when you find someone who has the results you're seeking then you copy them. It finally clicked! I realized I was focused on the problem and not the solution. My mindset changed immediately!

I was very fortunate to meet and speak with Tony after his talk. He's truly larger than life and lives his life constantly thinking of ways to add value to people's lives. Thanks! Tony as you changed my life exponentially.

Connecting The Dots

After the event I went on a mad mission. Reading every book I could get my hands on. I specifically looked for books written by people who overcome their diseases. I reached out to the authors or to people who successfully tried these diets. I spent hours reading forums looking for healing stories. This was a few years before YouTube was huge and you could find an abundance of testimonials. 

With each healing story I kept track of the things that worked. I kept track of everything! and before I knew it I could see a pattern of common denominators. I then applied these common denominators to my own life. In less than 2 years I overcame my Autoimmune Diseases and felt awesome. You can likely do it quicker because you don't have to reverse engineer the solution. 

Im 37 Years young and I feel awesome!

I say this with the utmost gratitude. Not only have I overcome the disease but I am in the best physical shape of my life. I play sports and work out a few times a week.  I went from being skinny an unhealthy to ripped and muscular. I say this not to brag but to share. I want you to realize that you too can achieve this.  This physical transformation gave me the courage I needed to feel good about myself in many situations. I don't forget how shitty it felt when I looked in the mirror to see an unrecognizable skeleton who looked back.

My IBD initially felt like a complete curse but as time went by I realized it was a blessing. For the first 25+ years of my life I ate a diet of complete garbage, lots of processed foods, high carb, sugar sugar and more sugar, I ate Mcdonalds multiple times per week, ate food from boxes heated in a microwave, rarely drank water.... (fish pee in that stuff) and I drank way too much alcohol!  Then fast forward I got sick with my AI disease, started reading books (educating myself), began cooking my own foods, cutting out the toxins & toxic foods, making physical activity a priority, started a website that helped people who were suffering, and watched my efforts change lives. I wouldn't change it for a second. 

Don't Feel Hopeless

This experience has been nothing short of awesome! I've improved my life in almost every imaginable way. If you're reading this feeling tired and hopeless let me tell you from the bottom of my heart that you can change your life. You can take this "shitty" situation you've been dealt and use it to empower you. An opportunity to become the best version of yourself.


Medical Disclaimer

This content is for informational and educational purposes only. It's not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of such advice or treatment from a personal physician. All viewers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Neither Jay Anthony (The Gut Ninja) nor the publisher of this content takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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